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Refine Your ResultsHJC R-PHA 91
Aerodynamic and lightweight helmet with noise reducing liner, interior sun visor and eyewear grooves
The new Premium Integrated Matrix EVO shell (P.I.M. EVO) provides enhanced shock-resistant performance and is lightweight by using reinforcement materials that include carbon-aramid, carbon fiber, glass fiber, organic non-woven fabric, and linen fiber (natural fiber). The new distortion-free, HJ-37 face shield and HJ-V17 sun shield provide a clear and increased peripheral view for the rider. the chin bar locking system now has a hidden closure point that allows for smooth contact and less pressure on the cheek area. Keeping noise levels to a minimum is the RPHA 91 3D-engineered low-noise interior that is focused to reduce road noise significantly. Also Included with this is the neck roll system to ensure you drown out the noise. For convenience, the EPS design accommodates riders with eyewear. The RPHA 91 will also accept the second-generation Smart HJC Bluetooth systems.
NEW SHELL MATERIAL including carbon-aramid fibre, carbon fibre, glass fibre, organic non-woven fabric, and natural linen fibre to provide enhanced Shock-Resistant performance for a more comfortable and lighter helmet.
NEW SHELL MATERIAL including carbon-aramid fibre, carbon fibre, glass fibre, organic non-woven fabric, and natural linen fibre to provide enhanced Shock-Resistant performance for a more comfortable and lighter helmet.