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Motorcycle Batteries

Acid, lithium and maintenence free motorcycle batteries

Don't let a flat battery get you down - we have a wide selection from basic replacements to lightweight high-performance lithium batteries. And while you're here, check out our range of maintenance chargers to increase your new battery's efficiency and increase its life - each type of battery needs a specific type of charger to keep it in tip-top condition.  
Departments Featured Products

Diagnoses, recovers, charges and maintains 12V lead acid batteries

RRP £81.90

OptiMate DC-DC draws power from one 12V battery to charge another - No AC power required!

RRP £99.90

OptiMate 0.8 x 4, recovers, charges & maintains up to 4x 12V lithium batteries


Quad bank smart charger and maintainer for up to 4 lead acid and lithium batteries simultaneously
