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Lightweight fibreglass helmet with integrated sun visor, removable liner and ACS ventilation system

Introducing the brand new F31 helmet, an open-face design crafted with a fibreglass shell. A helmet designed for cruisers and scooters, perfect for all-day rides or the daily commute. The brand new lightweight design F31 features a new slim and stylish design that not only prioritizes aesthetics but also optimizes aerodynamic performance. To give the rider the best comfort, the helmet includes an extended cheek area. The dynamic multistep sun visor adds a layer of versatility, while the 2-way pivot ratchet offers improved sealing with a smooth ratchet movement. The all-new sun visor provides riders with a larger perspective on the road. The F31 helmet is a blend of style, functionality, and comfort, making it an ideal choice for riders seeking a superior riding experience in their everyday journeys.  