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Bull-it Ladies Fury 17 Lite Denim Jeggings

Ladies skinny denim legging jeans with Covec SP120 Lite liner and CE level 2 knee protection

Reinforced with Covec's new SP120 Lite liner, the ladies Fury denim leggings are an ultra-lightweight protective motorcycle skinny jean. The Fury is extremely light, weighing only 480 grams and perform to the AAA rating for abrasion resistance. Bull-it have optimised the ride height of the waist to ensure the best coverage, comfort and optimal fit on and off the bike. A wick away mesh liner is included, as well as CE level 2 knee armour and hip armour pockets for optimal protectors, designed to fit Covec's range of impact protectors. Ideal for hot and cold climates, Covec's SP120 liner keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. As with all of their products, Bull-it jeans have a shower-resistant finish.
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Ladies skinny denim legging jeans with Covec SP120 Lite liner and CE level 2 knee protection

RRP £139.99