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AGV K5 Jet Evo

Carbon fibre and fibreglass open face helmet with DrySpeed interior suitable for glasses

Featuring ECE 22.06 homologation, the K5 Jet Evo helmet boasts a comfortable and enveloping fit, and is distinguished by an elongated visor with a VMS (Visor Magnetic System) magnetic closure mechanism that guarantees maximum stability even at high speeds.

The front air vents on the shell integrate a new design that makes their opening and closing even easier. Perfect for everyday outings, the K5 Jet Evo comes with a new adjustable sun visor and a visor designed to house the Max Pinlock® 70 anti-fog lens (sold separately) for full visibility and safe riding in all conditions.

Superior comfort is guaranteed by the inner lining in 2Dry material, which absorbs perspiration in record times leaving your head completely sweat-free.

Among the new features introduced, the new K5 Jet Evo integrates enhanced intercom compatibility, owing to the EPS's revamped design, new metal micro-metric buckle and anti-theft ring, for urban and extra-urban outings with guaranteed comfort and safety.  